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Shiseido Spa

O fuziune între atmosfera de spa, artă și design

Frumusețea pielii, minții și corpului nostru se datorează echilibrului creat de „QI”, energia vitală care circulă liber în corpul nostru. Tehnica „QI” este unică pentru brandul Shiseido, reprezentând filozofia de bază pentru toate spa-urile Shiseido din lume. Prin stimularea punctelor de presiune tsubo, energia „QI” va induce o stare de relaxare profundă și va restabili energia. Terapeuții noștri combină tehnica „QI” cu produsele Shiseido pentru îngrijirea pielii și a corpului, prosoape calde „oshibori” și aromoterapie pentru a-și intensifica ingredientele active și pentru a-ți menține pielea strălucitoare de frumoasă cât mai mult timp posibil.

*Prețuri valabile de luni până vineri, excluzând sărbătorile legale. **Prețuri valabile în weekend și sărbători legale. ***Toate prețurile includ TVA. ****Prețurile serviciilor din voucher sunt cele afișate de luni – vineri, chiar dacă urmează să fie utilizate în timpul săptămânii sau în weekend .



90 min - 1110 Lei

Take time for yourselves.

Relax and let your senses be indulged while enjoying treatments together.

  • Japanese welcoming ritual
  • QI relaxation massage
  • Champagne

Reservations at SPA Reception: (+40) 744 332 286

Valability: 1-28 February, 2025

1,110.00 leiAdd to cart


Descoperiți tratamentele de semnătură Shiseido, exclusiv la Shiseido Spa la Stejarii Country Club

Japanese Spa Journey

A true Japanese tradition, inspired from legendary Onsen, a Japanese bathing ritual, dating back centuries ago. By immersing one’s body into the “divine” waters , the mind and body are released from tension leaving your skin thoroughly cleansed with a true feeling of relaxation. Commencing with a relaxing procedure in Vichy Room, by exfoliating the body until your skin becomes smooth like silk. Following is a Kuroho Body massage for balancing vital Qi energy. A true spa experience!



Tratamentele faciale oferite de specialiștii Shiseido Spa redau strălucirea, fermitatea și prospețimea pielii.

Tratament facial Yutaka

Tratamentul facial Yutaka activează toate simțurile și îngrijește profund pielea prin utilizarea produselor din gama Future Solution LX, cea mai avansată gamă de produse de la Shiseido.


Uplifting and Firming Vital Perfection Facial

The treatment is using anti – aging expert products that targets the main concerns of womens, related on age, eyes areas and firmness of the skin. By their action,the products restores a much hydrated and ferm skin, a instant face contour redefined  and smile wrinkles visibly reduced.


Ultimate Radiance Facial

This treatment does not take into account age, addressing people with problematic, hyperpigmented skin. Using Shiseido’s Illuminating Micro-Spot Serum with Sakura Bright Complex, the synthesis of excess melanin is under control.


Hydro Perfecting Facial

Recommended for ladies aged 20-30 years, with an active life, which brings additional stress to the skin. Also, the treatment is recommended for ladies suffering from acne, oily, and dehydrated skin, because it uses the Ibuki line from Shiseido, specially developed for young, problematic skin.


Super Refining Facial

The treatment uses Shiseido’s Bio-Performance line, a range recognized for its fast results in combating and preventing the formation of new pigmented areas, reducing wrinkles and re-texturing by intense hydration, helping the skin to become more compact and elastic.


Wrinkle Resist Facial

Recommended for people between the ages of 30 and 50, the treatment addresses all the problems that the skin faces in its journey over the years, such as late acne, oily skin, dilated pores, wrinkles, very dry or sensitive skin. Using the Benefiance range, the benefits of the treatment include hydration, prevention of the formation of new pigmented areas on the skin, control and regulation of the formation and agglomeration of melanin under the favorable action of UV and skin reshaping.


Ultimate Power Infusion Facial

This treatment is recommended for anyone, because it uses the Ultimune range, specially developed to stimulate the skin’s immunity. Thus, whether it is young or mature skin, such a treatment is recommended for the skin to retain its natural ability to protect itself from harmful factors.


Express Facial

In this express massage, you can opt for any of the Shiseido facial treatments, the therapist will choose the product line after a careful analysis of the skin.



Descoperiți tratamente faciale purificatoare cu o formulă special concepută pentru pielea bărbaților.

Deep Cleansing Detox

This treatment is recommended for men with oily skin and acne problems, deeply cleansing the skin and regulating sebum production.


Damage Defence Facial

This treatment is recommended for men with very dry, irritated, and sensitive skin, due to daily shaving or hectic lifestyle and environmental factors. Following this treatment, you will notice a calming and deep hydration of the skin.


Time Fighting Facial & Back Massage

It is recommended for men who are over 40 years old and who want both a treatment to combat the effects of aging and relaxing treatment. The treatment includes a deep cleansing, exfoliation, and massage of the face, cervical area, and decollete.



Descoperiți gama completă de masaje corporale Shiseido, care relaxează și hidratează corpul, calmează emoțiile și stresul și vă readuc în cea mai bună formă fizică și mentală.

Kuroho Body Bliss

This Shiseido therapy combines traditional Japanese QI massage with a body scrub. The treatment begins with the foot-bathing ceremony, followed by a deep exfoliation of the skin, a massage that clearly traces the meridians and points of the QI energy in the body, and the ritual of breathing and awakening.


Kuroho Body

This representative Shiseido massage uses massage techniques in a very precise sequence, meant to relax both the muscles and to balance the body energetically. After completing the massage sequences, the therapist uses Oshibori towels specific to the Japanese and then applies a very moisturizing cream. This is the most authentic Shiseido experience.


Kuroho Polish

This is a Shiseido exfoliation therapy that leaves the skin deeply cleansed. After the exfoliant removal shower, apply a moisturizer all over the body, followed by the awakening ritual.


Deep Tension Relief

This therapy aims at muscle relaxation, is recommended especially to those who practice sports frequently or who have exerted an increased effort in recent activity.


Body Sculpting

This Shiseido therapy is specially designed to reduce the unpleasant appearance of cellulite. The techniques used have a sequence in perfect accordance with the physiology of the body, aiming at the level of adipose tissue to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, tissue drainage and stimulation of lipolysis. The massage is both pleasant and effective.


Hip, Leg and Thigh Sculpt

This therapy focuses on problem areas and most commonly affected by water retention and cellulite. Using a sequence of precise movements, it stimulates blood and lymph circulation, tissue drainage and stimulates lipolysis, facilitating the elimination of adipose tissue.


Quick Tension Release

This massage is perfect for those with a busy schedule, who are looking for moments of relaxation and disconnection from daily stress.


Japanese Jet Lag Therapy

This therapy is addressed especially to people who travel a lot by plane and presents the specific symptoms of long journeys: water retention especially in the legs and legs, dizziness, headaches, muscle tension especially in the back and legs. The treatment includes massaging the back, front of the lower limbs, scalp and shoulders.


Japanese Scalp and Shoulders

This Japanese therapy is specially designed for the most tense areas of the body: shoulders, cervical area and scalp. The techniques used are very meticulous and carefully executed by the therapist to release the stress accumulated in these areas, being recommended even to people suffering from migraines or frequent headaches.



Descoperiți luxul suprem în ceea ce privește tratamentele spa, o călătorie de la început până la sfârșit care vă va ajuta să vă relaxați și să vă reîncărcați cu energie pozitivă. Ceremonia balneară începe cu un ritual japonez de baie a picioarelor, urmat de o exfoliere revigorantă a corpului, care conferă pielii strălucire și delicatețe. Te vei scufunda apoi într-o baie parfumată de hidroterapie japoneză, iar în timpul băii, vei fi servit cu o băutură răcoritoare la alegere. Ceremonia se incheie cu un masaj corporal SHISEIDO Qi, care stimuleaza punctele tsubo si te va incarca cu multa buna dispozitie si o stare zen.

Replenishing Bathing Ceremony

This ceremony combines the benefits of moisturizing and nourishing the skin with general relaxation. The ritual begins with the foot bathing ceremony, then the exfoliation of the whole body, and a relaxing bath with Smoothing Body Cleansing Milk for intense hydration. Then comes Kuroho Body Massage, the representative Shiseido massage.


Sculpting Bathing Ceremony

This ceremony combines the benefits of skin definition products with a state of general relaxation. The ritual begins with the foot bathing ceremony, followed by the exfoliation of the whole body, for which Shiseido Refining Body Exfoliator is used, thus preparing the skin for the absorption of nutrients from Shiseido Smoothing Body Cleansing Milk. The next step is Body Sculpting Massage, a therapy specifically designed to reduce the unpleasant appearance of cellulite.



We invite you to pamper yourself with four types of complete Shiseido relaxation experiences.

Journey of Relaxation

This trip offers a complete Shiseido experience, consisting of a cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing facial treatment and Kuroho Body Massage. This is the representative Shiseido massage, developed to relax the muscles and balance the body energetically. Shiseido Facial Treatment follows, in which the therapist makes an analysis of the skin and depending on the age, objectives and condition of the skin, cleanses, moisturizes and deeply nourishes the skin. Therapy ends with the awakening ritual. Following this journey, the skin of the face and décolleté will remain visibly brighter, more hydrated and more elastic. Also, the body skin will be perfumed and hydrated, and the client will feel a state of relaxation and general well-being.


Journey of the Senses

This trip offers a complete Shiseido experience, consisting of a cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing facial treatment and Kuroho Body Massage. This is the representative Shiseido massage, developed to relax the muscles and balance the body energetically. Shiseido Facial Treatment follows, in which the therapist makes an analysis of the skin and depending on the age, objectives and condition of the skin, cleanses, moisturizes and deeply nourishes the skin. The therapy ends with a massage of the scalp and shoulders and the awakening ritual. Following this journey, the skin of the face and décolleté will remain visibly brighter, more hydrated and more elastic. Also, the body skin will be perfumed and hydrated, and the client will feel a state of relaxation and general well-being.


Journey of Energy

This trip offers a complete Shiseido experience, consisting of a facial treatment of the client’s choice and the therapist’s instructions and Deep Tension Relief massage. This Shiseido therapy is conceptually detached from the QI massage but with a strong emphasis on deep muscle techniques, the energetic ones being much diminished. Shiseido Facial Treatment follows, in which the therapist makes an analysis of the skin and , deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The therapy ends with a hand massage and the awakening ritual. Following this journey, the skin of the face and décolleté will remain visibly brighter, more hydrated and more elastic. Also, the body skin will be perfumed and hydrated, and the client will feel a state of relaxation and general well-being.


Journey of Refinement

This trip offers a complete Shiseido experience, consisting of exfoliation of the whole body and a remodeling massage. Following this trip, the skin of the body will be better defined, perfumed and hydrated, and the client will feel a state of relaxation and general well-being.


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