21 December 2020

Liviu s-a alaturat echipei Shiseido Spa cu incredere si determinare! Asistent kinetoterapeut, Liviu are o experienta de peste 6 ani in domeniul wellness si a a absolvit Scoala Postliceala Carol Davila, cu specializarea Balneofiziokinetoterapie. De asemenea a urmat cursurile scolii de masaj Cristian Dragomir.

Mereu amabil si discret, Liviu va recomanda masajul sportiv sau deep tissue si veti uita de orice discomfort.


Sports Academies & New group classes for children

At Stejarii Country Club, September comes with lots of energy and fun sports opportunities for the little ones! We invite you to discover our Sports Academies (Tennis, Swimming, Karate...

Discover Swimming Academy at Stejarii Country Club!

IMPOSSIBLE IS ONLY TEMPORARY. MAKE EACH DAY YOUR MASTERPIECE. For children, swimming is one of the most enjoyable forms of physical activity, due to the long time spent in the pool, which...